The Privacy page is not yet developed.
Please check back later.
In the meantime, be assured that I will treat your identity, our conversations, e-mails, and other communications no matter the medium, with professional confidence.
Sometimes I work together with other NVC trainers and/or coaches for workshops and coaching. In those contexts, you should assume
those other professionals will also have access to the information you provide so they can be most effective in their work, but also
that they will likewise hold it with professional confidence.
I will do this unless you give me permission, in writing, to use your story or stories - with our without your identity - in my work or in any
promotional materials including this website. If you have experience with my work and have praise for it, and are willing to write a brief testimonial for publication on this site, I would be thankful.
I will not give, trade, or sell my client list to anyone else, but I may share with you other resources I know of that may help you on your journey.